Crystal Therapy: How To Cleanse Your Crystals
I love crystals (who doesn’t) but using the same crystals day in and day out without regularly cleansing might make them feel less effective over time. This is likely because crystals act as a sponge picking up the energy around us, whether that be positive or negative. Though this is natural, we must make sure to re-energise our crystals in order to reap their benefits. Luckily for us, there are numerous techniques we can implement to cleanse crystals and keep them working effectively.
Tips For Re-Energising Crystals
If we fail to cleanse our crystals, it is harder for the stones to soothe our minds, bodies, and souls. Regularly recharging crystals is the main way to restore them to their natural state. Below, we’ve outlined some of the best tips for crystal cleansing, helping to align the stones with your intentions, and ultimately work effectively.
Moonlight: Simply leave your crystals under the full moon or moonlight, on a windowsill or doorstep and let the moon work its magic. A great way to cleanse and recharge your crystals which involves no effort. The only downside is that full moons only come once a month so check your diaries.
Sunlight: Crystals love the sunshine! As with moonlight, simply leave the crystals where the sun will reach them and voilà. Though it is worth noting that some crystals may fade in sunlight so do check first.
Sage: Burning some white sage over the crystals works too due to the plant’s healing properties. Ignite the tip of the sage with the flame and move the crystal through the smoke for about 30 seconds. Just make sure to open a window if burning sage indoors.
Sound: Certain sound waves and vibrations run through crystals cleansing any negative energy. Singing bowls, bells or other percussion instruments like a drum or bell are excellent methods of clearing crystals. This is ideal for those who are unable to move their crystals as the sound waves will do all the work.
Rice: Yes that’s right! Submerging crystals in a bowl of uncooked brown rice for 24 hours is a nice easy option for cleansing crystals. Make sure to discard the rice afterwards.
Sea or Salt Water: Salt is a healing chemical that is well known for its cleansing properties. Immersing crystals in the sea or salt water can wash away any negativity. Simply leave your stone to soak for a few hours before rinsing and patting dry. Just double-check beforehand that this method is suitable as some crystals should not get wet.
Crystals: Using one crystal to charge and cleanse another one is another great method. Powerful crystals such as Selenite are perfect for eliminating negative and stagnant energy. Simply place your crystal on top of the Selenite to cleanse it.
Candles: You could also pass your crystals through the light from a candle to repurify them and surround them with light. This can similarly be done with incense by running the crystals through the smoke. My personal go-to for clearing energy has to be Sandalwood.
Reiki: For those who are Reiki trained, you can perform Reiki on your crystals. If you are Level II trained, drawing the Reiki symbols and sending Reiki over your crystals also works so why not give it a try?
How Often Should I Cleanse My Crystals?
If you like to use your crystals day in and day out then it’s good to get them cleansed weekly. If they are not used much, monthly will be fine. If you hardly use them, they will need a good charge every couple of months. It is normal for crystals to go cloudy with lots of use, though once cleansed, they will clear again and simply ‘feel’ right. These methods will also work for cleaning other items such as jewellery if bought second-hand, tarot cards, Runes etc.
Before putting the cleansing methods into practice, make sure to check whether any of the elements will harm or damage your crystals. Most should be fine but it is always worth double-checking as you don’t want to ruin an expensive stone.
Get ready and get cleansing!